An Open Letter from BMB
Back in 2020, we launched Black Men Build in the middle of a pandemic with the vision of uniting Black Men so that we can heal ourselves and step into places of leadership and engagement in the fight to protect and build our own communities.
Men – like yourself – answered the call, and have stepped up to help us build a strong organization, brick by brick, brother by brother. Now two years later, we have multiple chapters across the country and more being started by the month. We are a growing force to be reckoned with and we are proud of what we have been able to do together.
And, we aren’t stopping. We’re continuing to grow, transform and evolve.
Today, we are excited to tell you that we’re launching an all new website. We see this as more than a new webpage or redesign; it is a new online home for everything Black Men Build, to peel back even more layers about who we are, what we are accomplishing, and what’s on our minds. It’s a place where each of you can tap in and start or connect with work in your city.

We’re up against trolls, bots, and false prophets that are spreading lies and misinformation, trying to steer us all into battles against each other. We’re up against people who have organized their power around our money, our labor, our incarceration, our murder, our culture. We’re up against a rising wave of people who see us as Ops to their vision of the future.
This shit isn’t easy and we take it very seriously. We have to.
The economy is getting worse by the day, we are getting tired and the murder rate stays climbing…and winter is coming.
We are building an army of brothers who are willing to do the work of personal transformation and community organization, so that we can build a future for our children and our families. Thank you for being with us thus far.
Take a look around the site and tell us what you think. Or if you need a place to start, tap in with:
1. Who is Afraid of Black Power?
2. Then check out how to get connected with Black Men Build in your city
3. and lastly, it’s that time of the year and we need your help to continue to build this thing of ours.
We’re asking you to become a monthly sustainer to help us reach our financial goals. We know it’s a rough time, but whatever you have is enough. We recommend $9/month as a way to support
The time is now and your contributions help us produce more Wartime, more programs and get us closer to where we need to go. Donate and support our growth here.