Brothers, it’s time to Rebuild Our Circle.

The Brothers of Black Men Build are excited for you to join us as we bring the power of our Men’s Circles to a city near you.

With prices getting higher, the weather getting hotter, mass genocide happening worldwide, another important election coming up, and our families under constant attack, The New Men Tour is a collective opportunity to Meet The Moment.  

At this moment, Brothers need a space to BE: be ourselves, be in conversation, be challenged, be educated, be together. Black Men Build isn’t about transaction; it’s about sharing the tools that we have and transforming us into a political force that can fight and win. Every strong community starts with strong relationships. The Men’s Circle is where they are built.

The New Men Tour will bring hundreds of us together in Circles in 10 cities across the country. If you’ve already experienced a Black Men Build Men’s Circle, you already know how we get down, but this will be a whole new level.  We’re excited to bring our Circles together in New Orleans, Raleigh, Dallas, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Detroit, Columbus, Los Angeles, Atlanta and Miami.  

What to Expect on The New Men Tour:

  • A 90-minute Men’s Circle facilitated by members of Black Men Build
  • A discussion and Call to Action with local organizations and guest speakers
  • Free food
  • The opportunity to become a Black Men Build member and connect with brothers in your city

This event is completely FREE and open to all ages of Black boys and men.  Find your city, sign up and pull up this summer! We’ll see you at The Circle.

#bmbnewmentour #meetthemoment #rebuildthecircle #newmenmustbeborn